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We danced so hard our legs and feet hurt like we'd run a marathon!


Written by Tracy Parker Founding Member of Swad Joggers

As we embark on our 11th year and celebrating our 10th birthday at Swad Joggers 🧡🖤 it was fitting that our awards ceremony should happen at the same time.  On Friday 31st January, 73 of the Swad Joggers came together to celebrate a raft of achievements throughout our running and walking groups. 

For those who don’t know the story. 10 years ago on the 15/1/2015 myself and my daughter, Laura  took 21 participants on their first Swad Joggers session. This was new to both myself and Laura after passing our LIRF qualifications the previous November and having a vision of wanting to make a difference to our local community, for people to have fun, get fit and active, in a friendly environment for free. 

On reflection I think we have achieved that with over 300 runners registered to us and 120 to 140 runners and walkers regularly in attendance each week. 

The growth of the sessions from 1-2 groups per session in 2015 has grown to where we are now. We have between 5 to 7 groups per session over the two nights including all of our running sessions (3 mile, 4 mile, 5 mile and 6 mile options). We also have the ever popular walking group, as well as coaching sessions and torch light trail runs.  

I wouldn’t be able to do what I do each week though without the valuable support from the qualified LIRF leaders, coaches and excellent co-leaders we have at Swad Joggers.  Everyone making a real difference to our community. 

The majority of our awards are voted on by the leaders with the exception of runners runner which is voted on by all the members of Swad Joggers. It is great to be able to celebrate the achievements of others and to see them grow in their abilities. 

Our award winners on the night were: 

Runners Runner award - Michael McGuinness 

Mammoth Mileage Award - Katie Darnley, Meg Hallam and Mollie Wain 

Marmite award (Love it or Hate it) - Shelley Mayhew

Most committed award - Tonni Cole

Inspiration Award Winners -Joshua Hudson, Mick McGuinness and Naomi Earl

Most improved Runner - Emma Davis

Funniest moment award - Karina Whiteley 

Most improved walker award - Michael Bayliss

Best dressed award - Mollie Wain

Valued contribution (Co-leader) - Meg Hallam

So after the amazing winners were given their certificates, glassware, shields and prizes we all hit the dance floor and partied hard to the fabulous live band Mix n Match.  You always know it’s a good night when the legs and feet hurt so much it feels like you have ran a marathon and you have the hangover to match!!


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